Opleiding Sjamaan And Their Myths

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So, you’re faced with a dilemma, curious, anxious, lost, sick, grief-stricken. There’s some reason that this is the time your heart is, or longs to be, open, and you would welcome some spiritual and holistic support. A shamanic event can be a miracle cure, a life-changing event, support on a dark and lonely road, or a tragic disappointment. Choosing a practitioner is serious. He or she will be privy to your inner most hopes, dreams, and fears. Here are some tips to help you choose your best option. The most important thing when choosing a healer of any kind is your relationship to that person. Someone could be a miracle for your friend, but a trauma for you. Check in with yourself and only go to someone your heart feels good about. He or she should be working on him or her self and have a spiritual practice and some kind of support around that practice. You need to know that you are safe and taken care of. Make a search on the following website, if you are searching for additional information about opleiding sjamanistisch healer.

A healer with integrity will ensure that you know what is in store, and that you have the power to stop anything at any time. He or she will also ask you in advance of any alternate work. If a different type of healing comes forth, you must be able to decide, in the moment, if it’s appropriate for your life at this time. A good practitioner is support and solution oriented. If someone tells you that a horrible thing is fated, walk out with the understanding that he or she was involved in his or her own issues. If an uncomfortable lesson is in store for you, a worth-while practitioner will help you navigate the situation by giving you alternatives and/or tools to keep you grounded, safe, and as comfortable as possible as you run your spiritual rapids. Pick someone whose style you appreciate. While all good practitioners will be able to call the energies they need, think about what you would value in your experience. Do you want someone who’s theatrical, quiet, forceful? Does it comfort you to think of your healer using tools, mantras, physical actions, silent prayer? While every practitioner may use all these methods at one time or another, you will have a better experience with someone whose overall style puts you at ease.

People shy away from this question; it can be loaded. Practitioners are born of all traditions. Would you feel most at home with symbols of Buddhism, Catholicism, Hinduism, All of the Above? What is your background, ethnically and religiously? Do you have, or suspect you have, Native blood, African blood, Celtic blood? Select a tradition that resonates with you and/or your ancestors. Freakish does not mean effective. Choose a practitioner that has, or has had, a mentor. It’s true that some people were just born with the gift. But that doesn’t mean that they know how to use it effectively. Mozart took music lessons. Find someone who has taken responsibility for his or her abilities and honed them with care under the guidance of someone else who has walked the path of relating healthfully to both the visible and the invisible worlds.